"Martina Consonni is a very gifted pianist, with a strong technic but what touches me is her musical side, her sensibility and creativity, always searching for the music.
A delicate and refined musician with a bright future ahead of her, she just recorded a beautiful CD in the collection of Fondation Gautier Capuçon for Warner classics and I am looking forward to play with her again very soon next season." GAUTIER CAPUÇON "Martina possesses both a strong technical ability and a rare musical intelligence and her extensive musical knowledge enables her to infuse a wide verities of styles with her own personal touch.
Her natural playing alongside the poetic sense of beauty and depth creates immediate communication with her public." ARIE VARDI "I have been teaching highly talented Martina Consonni for many years at the Imola Piano Academy. She always had a very natural and effortless way of playing; during these years her repertoire greatly expanded and her command of the keyboard flourished, allowing her to reach a very high performance standard and a deeper understanding of the pieces she’s playing."
"Martina is an extraordinarily gifted pianist, her impeccable instrumental control and academic background complemented by intellectual curiosity and deep musical instinct. She is also one of the quickest learners I know which means she already has an impressive solo and chamber repertoire for such a young player. I have had the pleasure to perform with Martina on various occasions and every collaboration has been exciting and enriching and I’m sure she will succeed in whichever direction she chooses to take her career."
FRANCESCA DEGO "From the first time I listened to her playing she has never ceased to impress me with her natural command of the instrument, her rich imagination and deep sensitivity towards the search for colors and nuances. Her brilliant technical skills allow her to afford all kinds of repertoire and to express herself in a completely organic manner. She possesses all the necessary qualities to make a strong statement with the music she interprets. Her technical command of the piano is extremely natural and effortless."
INGRID FLITER "Her excellent instrumental skills are always at the service of a beautiful, natural musicality. Her performances are often enriched with her own particular creativity, while still respecting the composer and the musical text."
2024, OCTOBER 1
Concordia Magazine
Concordia Magazine
2023, AUGUST 29
NEWS - The Strad
NEWS - The Strad